I am playing on an alt but like.. the tutorial guy fell off the map
What do i do now
What's on your mind?
I am playing on an alt but like.. the tutorial guy fell off the map
What do i do now
Im not sure how to comment or reply to comments, all i know is how to chat here. :(
I dont really need pure hogs, but im just curious on how to obtain them in peroxide.
Does anyone know how to change the bankai name? I've been stuck with Enma (shikai) since 2023
does anyone know where I can leave a bug report in the game I have a bug where I don't have clan bonuses I tried to restart the game changed the clan but clan bonuses are still not given
We are alive!
guys I have a problem I don't know what exactly happened but my damage 56 dropped to 50 I don't know what exactly affected this although nothing indicates this I have 350 strength and another 70 from accessories plus I am Vastocar so that's another 15% and I also have the Gilgo clan and that's another 15% in total it's 55.5 which means the number is rounded up to 56 damage but I have 50 how is this possible And if anyone asks, this is not a visual bug.
Could someone remind me what happens sense then
I found it much more easier to beat twin soul when using kether 230 bot 260 str be ause the boss AI don't know how to chain combo. All I have to do is run around bait him use to use evasive then do the combo, run again for skill cooldown. Then do it again.
I talked to Yoruichi, I got the Hakuda skills but now I don't want them, how do I get rid of them?
Can someone please help me? How long does it take to get each Mastery level of vizard? And when do I need to use another hog?
Does anyone know why all my shikai abilities disappear everytime i go a diff area if i got to someone who can equip them it says there binded but i cant use it
Like, how much does it cost to buy 2nd save slot? I wanna try the hollow path too
I ve done with this. WHEN THE HECK THE NEW CODES COMING ???