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Astra is one of the common Spirit based ressurections for Arrancars. It is unique for having two extenders for different situations.

Astra Skills[]

Resurrección Skills[]

You must be in your Resurrección mode to use these skills.

Media Skill Name Description Scaling
Rising star Rising Star


Bring forth the stars raising your opponent up into the air. This move puts Founding Rain of Stars on cooldown. Spirit
North star North Star Swing a sword made out of star essence at your opponent, breaking their guard. Spirit
Founding Rain of Stars Founding Rain of Stars Rain down stars on your foe, stunning them in place.

Max Mastery on this move increases the stun duration a bit.


Segunda Skills/Passives[]

You must be in your Segunda to use these skills.

Media Skill Name Description Scaling
Spacial Dominance Spacial Dominance Flip into the sky and rain shooting stars towards your mouse, follow up with a light speed kick towards people you hit. Spirit
Astra counter Spacial Kick

(M2 Counter)

Knockback your opponent before following up with a kick

M2 Counter

Astra coat Astral Coating


Coat your weapons in astral energy causing your m1's to now scale off your spirit stat.

(This scales similarly to Strength M1s.)
