Chaos is one of the Legendary Spirit/Strength Resurrecciónes that Arrancar can roll. Players receive a passive buff in Segunda Etapa called Fissure that makes their M1s add 12.5% of their Spirit stat as scaling, steal 3%-4.5% of the opponents Reiatsu and steal their Mode Charge 1%-1.5% when hitting them with M1s.
This resurrecion can be used with either a Spirit Or Strength build, as Chaos Energy and Sickle of Sorrow benefit both strength and spirit builds, and the Segunda passives and Chaos Eviscerate can be utilised on either build.
You must be in your Resurrección to use these skills.
Skill Name
Sickle of Destruction
Summon a scythe of pure destruction and swing forth. When it makes contact with an enemy, it will create a pillar of chaos and you will devastate those who you hit into the air.
Spirit + Strength
Chaos Energy
Focus chaotic energy into your body and then output it, increasing your health and damage. The damage boost is global, if Prodigy is used, gain more uptime. From testing it seems to be a 7% damage increase.
No Scaling
Chaos Blaster
Form a small ball of chaotic energy into your palm and fire it off, once it makes contact with an object it's energy will pull nearby targets in and then explode.
Grab your opponent and blast a cero directly into them. Press G or E to use
Note: Enemies become immune to all kind of damage during the animation. The explosive Crystal of Exponentiality will not cause any damage during the animation.
Spirit + Strength
Chaos Flash
Unleash the inner chaos in your own nature. Emit a beam of utter chaos in front of you demolishing everyone and everything. IN PVP, The damage scales based off distance to the beam's centre (also cannot damage people you have not hit yet, npcs are exempt from this).
This ability automatically execute enemies under 1% HP, completely erasing them.
" You are definitely compensating for something. "