Peroxide roblox Wiki


Glacier is one of the Legendary Shikai elements that Soul Reapers can wield in Peroxide. Glacier's Bankai passive bestows several unique abilities upon the user. They gain access to a special M2 attack that launches a ranged ice arrow. Additionally, a tiny ice path forms beneath their feet, slowing the movement of anyone who steps onto it.

The user acquires a special counter move as well, which involves lifting and forcefully slamming their adversary over their shoulder. Furthermore, there is another special custom move: if the user activates a counter while not under attack, a red circle materializes, leading to a dramatic cutscene when struck. Once the cutscene concludes, the user gains the ability to utilize their M2 to slam their opponent forcefully into the ground.

You can alter the appearance of your ice through rerolls by selecting the robux icon and then selecting "Change Reroll Options" (0.25 Product Essence for each roll)

Glacier Skills[]

You must be in your Shikai to use these skills.

Media Skill Name Description Scaling
Frozen Construct Fang Updated Frozen Construct Fang Conjure a blade and slice forward, sending your opponent flying and applying frozen before erupting three tombstones. Complete mastery over this move will grant a second function.

(Pressing V and using this in stun will cause you to freeze yourself, take 50% less damage for a few seconds, then the ice will shatter, making you take some damage [15% Max Health in Shikai, 10% Max health in Bankai {Called Overdrive in Bankai, and can be used in true stun}])

Hundred Nights Ice Purgatory Updated Hundred Ice Nights Purgatory applies frozen and cut immunity to the opponent. being hit by an extender will clear the immunity. full mastery unlock summoned swords. Applies TRUE STUN

(Holding down V then using this will just activate the spinning swords, and still take away the cooldown)

Cry of a Thousand Moons Updated Cry of a thousand Moons


Summon a tombstone a distance away from you dragging opponents towards you and applies frozen. Complete mastery over this technique will cause the move to evolve further and gain a second function.

(Pressing this a 2nd time will cause the tombstone to shatter and fire an arrow of ice [Moonsong])


Bankai Skills/Passives[]

You must be in your Bankai to use these skills.

Media Skill Name Description Scaling
Azure Transcendence
Azure Transcendence (Entrance Animation) Freezes those in your vicinity for a short period when you activate Bankai. Spirit
Four World Freeze Updated
Four World Freeze Freeze your opponents then gather them into a ball of ice that forms in the sky and proceeds to shatter. Does a giant amount of damage. Spirit
Moonsong Updated Moonsong Fire an arrow made of ice at your foes. Spirit
Predictable Updated Predictable Counter your opponent by throwing them over your shoulder and slamming them into the ground. Spirit + Strength
Yukikaze Updated Yukikaze (Counter while nobody is attacking you take a brief defensive stance. If hit during this short period, the counter gets activated) You get into a stance before quickly dashing through your opponent multiple times stunning them.

This is Blockable

Spirit + Strength
Glacier m2downslam Raimei Slamdown After using your yukikaze abillity you press m2 to preform a shoulder toss on your stunned opponent.

[Note: May be bugged; cannot perform new variant. Will upload new GIF when fixed)

Spirit + Strength
Ex-Frozen Construct
Ex-Frozen Construct


Immediately propel yourself backwards a small distance and leave behind a clone of yourself. Anyone that makes contact with said clone will have Frozen Construct applied to them for a short time. Spirit


Erupt an ice pillar in front of you, freezing your opponent for 2 seconds, even if they're already frozen. Spirit