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Part 1: Becoming A Hollow:

Unsurprisingly, you’ll need to first become a Hollow. To achieve this, you must die first, then when you're a spirit, pull out your chain of fate five times by repeatedly pressing your 'G’ key, or the button displaying an avatar with an aura if you're on a mobile device.

Once you’ve pulled your chain, you’ll become a regular, yellow-eyed Hollow, You'll be able to teleport to Hueco Mundo, where hollow NPCs will be more common, making it easier to gain levels and progress.

Once you have become a hollow, the you'll first want to hunt other Hollows. This will both increase your strength and set you on your path to advance in progression. Most of the ones you see in Hueco Mundo are AI-controlled, though a few might be player characters. You can defeat Hollows and then eat the smoking remains that drop on their death to gain experience and access to new Hollow abilities.

Part 2: Progressing To Red Eyes:

Keep attacking and eating Hollows until you reach Level 20. Once you are Level 20, look for Hollows with red eyes. Defeat one with red eyes to get red eyes yourself. Finally, find another red-eyed hollow and defeat it. Once you do, you will evolve into the second stage in hollow progression, the Menos. Dying will cause you to lose the red eyes, so stay alive until you find the red-eyed hollow.

If you have a friend, try using hollow bait or make them take the "Kill a red eyed hollow" chore so they can see if there is one near them.

Part 3: Gillian/Menos Progress:

Warning: As a Menos, you have the choice to become an Arrancar by pressing G. However, that choice is a double edged sword - your strength will increase quickly, but your potential will be extremely low. It is recommended to only become an arrancar as a Vasto Lorde. Avoid pressing G, and if you ever accidentally do, wait out the timer for the minigame and do nothing, or press the wrong arrow.

The towering Menos, or Gillian, is the state you achieve once you have killed a red-eyed hollow as one yourself. You become much slower in this form, although your immense power allows you to take out most hollow NPCs in the game. Be cautious, however, as when you die, you revert into a normal hollow, and are forced to repeat the red-eye hunting process.

To progress into the next stage as a Menos, you need to take out 30 Hollows, and stay alive for 30 minutes. This can be a little tricky, as not only has your speed been reduced, but you’re a very obvious target, and prone to being attacked by both NPCs and players. If you are unable to deal with the NPCs you encounter, or players are bent on killing you, you have a one-time teleport ability which can be used whenever it is needed. Use it only when necessary to prevent your own death, though if you do die, once you become a Menos again, you will keep your kill and time progress.

Once the conditions are fulfilled- You've stayed alive for half an hour, and defeated 30 hollows, (You do not need to press G it will automatically change you to an Adjuchas} you will transform yet again into an Adjuchas, compressing your Gillian form into a smaller, but quicker and more powerful hollow with access to new abilities.

Part 4: Adjuchas Progress:

You’ll need to rack up 1700 Points to reach the level of Vasto Lorde. This is done by defeating Hollows and Arrancar, but be careful. Dying will cost you 60 XP, battle logging will cost you 120 XP, Different enemies will reward different amounts of XP, depending on the risk involved.

  • Normal Hollow – 1 Points
  • Eating A Hollow Body – 1 Points
  • Red-Eyed Hollow – 3 Points
  • Menos Grande – 5 Points
  • Ancient Menos Grande– 15 Points (These can be picked out because of their different mask.)
  • Adjuchas – 10 Points
  • Ancient Adjuchas – 25 Points
  • Vasto Lorde – 50 Points
  • Ancient Vasto Lorde - 75 Points
  • Storm Arrancar – 100 Points (Good for fast progression but extremely difficult. You also have to do atleast 55% of the damage to be rewarded.)
  • Impure Hogyoku – 1000 Points (This type of progression doesn't require this, as it wastes the Hogyoku, but it is the fastest method to gain points)

if you see Yellow Energy Lines (Limitbreak Effect) going into you once your target has been killed you have received the credit for the kill.

You can check your progress with the Shady Arrancar in The Alley, or the one in Karakura.

The best way to become a Vastolorde is to make cycle in a server with less than 10 people from the cave (1 vastolorde) to the gourge (2 vastolorde) in the Hueco Mundo. From around level 75 you should be able to kill a Vasto Lorde without too much risk.

The second best method (one of the best if you have friends) is to get decently high level, then deal a lot of damage to storm arrancars and get a friend to help, hop servers until you eventually become vastolorde.

Math for all NPC grinding methods:

Shady Arrancar Dialogue

  • "Not a single bit of progress." Anything below 0-100 Points
  • "Not close, not close at all..." 100-250 Points
  • "You have a really long road ahead of you... kid." 250-500 Points
  • "You have a long road ahead of you... kid." 500-1000 Points
  • "You're getting close, that's for sure" 1000-1250 Points
  • "You’re making some progress, keep going." 1250-1600 Points
  • "Almost there, just a little closer." 1600 - 1700 Points

Located in an alley way in the city, or in an alley way in Hueco Mundo.

Once you reach 1250 points you get a checkpoint so you will not go below 1250 points ever again.

You can leave the server and won't lose points, so you can server hop and so does with Menos progression.
