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Hueco Mundo is the homeland of Hollows and Arrancars alike. This area is a location where players that're of the Race, Hollow can freely enter and leave.

Ruins of Las Noches[]

Las Noches ruined castle

Ruined Castle of Las Noches

"A land of legends, claimed by the storm." Las Noches is the former castle of the Espada.


The Monolith




  • This is where all Hueco Mundo raids happen.
  • The top of Las Noches is littered with Arrancars that will attack you upon entering their presence. This makes genocide for EXP a viable option in this area.
  • This is also where the Monolith is located, which is needed for an Arrancar trying to get a Resurrección Weapon.


While heading upstairs in Las Noches, an NPC called Tohjin will be there when you get to the top. Interacting with him as an Arrancar will make him respond with saying "Trust me. You have no need for my services...". He gives disguises to non-Arrancars if a Storm Guard is given to him.

The Alley[]

"A sheltered hand against this hollowed world."

The Alley

The Alley

The Alley is a sections of small shops with each one having a different purpose in Hueco Mundo. This place also allows you to go on invasions which give you rewards. The alley is guarded by Arrancars, which means you must have negative reputation with the Soul Society to not be attacked by them.

Jim's Little Shop[]

Jim´s little shop

Jim´s little shop

Jim's Little Shop is small shop that can be found in The Alley.


Jim sells the Spiritvial and Stainpaper.


Jim is an NPC that sells items that function the same but for opposite intentions. One for killing enemies of Soul Society, and one for killing enemies of the Arrancars.

Hueco Mundo Dojo[]

Hueco mundo dojo

Hueco Mundo dojo

Like Jim's Little Shop, the Dojo can be found in The Alley. Besides that, the Hueco Mundo Dojo is no different then any other Dojo.


This Dojo can train all of a player's stats separately up to level 30 each, but the membership costs 250$.

Tim's Clothes Shop[]

Clothes Shop in the Alley

Clothes Shop in the Alley

The Clothes Shop is located in The Alley.


Tim's Clothes Shop allows you to buy Arrancar themed clothes. Each item costs 500 YEN to switch into.


Tim (the NPC standing behind the counter) allows for no dialogue options if one attempts to speak with him. [End Dialogue] The only thing he says to you is "If you see something you like, you outta buy it, no?"




"Once a grand hold against the storm, now, only a refuge..."

This is a hub area with a Job Billboard, Gargan, and Herupa.



Gargan in the colosseum has blue hair, contrary to his usual orange hair.

The Gourge[]

The Chasm

The Chasm

"Where many fall into, and many die."

The Gourge is a big ravine in the floor of Hueco Mundo that spawns Vasto Lordes; also, at the end of The Gourge, there is black pit that leads to the Menos Forest (can also be accessed through the pit (a cavern near the middle of The Gourge).


  • Since Vasto Lordes can spawn here, The Gourge can be a place used for farming.
  • If one is not a Hollow, the black pit can serve as an alternative to a Hollow's Garganta and let one into the Menos Forest.


Vasto Lorde Cave

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 's Cave

"You're going numb."

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ is a figure in a Vasto Lorde cave found on the other end of the map from The Alley. Their appearance is that of green hair, skimpy clothing, and a scarred face with bloodshot eyes. They're found both on the ceiling and on the floor of said cave. When someone enters the presence of ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ , their field of view inside the cave becomes much darker.


A Figure of Many Names

Nameless Figure

"Eh...? A mortal in *my* presence?"‎ ‎

After speaking to ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ three dialogue options are displayed, which include:

  1. "What?" - Choosing this option will spawn a strong and aggravated NPC that will attack you. This is useful for veterans of the game trying to level up.
  2. "Who are you?" - Choosing this option will make the NPC respond with saying "I go by many names... Some you might know, some you might not, however, it matters not."
  3. "I desire a name." Choosing this option will allow one to change their name to whatever they want in-game, but for 10k robux. Max length of 15, cannot be filtered. One Time use.
  4. "Show me that which converges with the Moonseye." Choosing this option will make them respond with saying "Very well." Doing this will make you bleed out of your neck, die, and make the session unplayable until you rejoin. (fixed?)


The unnamed NPC is a reference to the rogue-lite Roblox RPG, "Deepwoken."

There is an extremely low chance of lost souls spawning in Hueco Mundo


A lost soul
