Peroxide roblox Wiki

"The trees no longer slumber, the evils lurking in their shadow."

Image of Menos Forest

The Menos Forest


The Menos Forest is a location under the surface of Hueco Mundo that many Menos and some Adjuchas dwell in. The overall enviroment is very dark, with the only structures in this place are sparsely placed quartz trees and stone ruins.

How to Get Here[]

There are a total of three ways to access the Menos Forest at this current moment:

  1. Being A Hollow - If one is a Hollow, they are given the ability, "Garganta", to travel between Hueco Mundo and the Menos Forest.
  2. The Gourge - "The Gourge" is a location in Hueco Mundo that allows anybody within it to travel below Hueco Mundo into the Menos Forest.
  3. Gargan - Gargan, an NPC found in various locations, can open a portal to the Menos Forest for 150 Yen. This method is rarely used due to the fact that an Arrancar already has the ability to enter the Menos Forest through The Gourge, and any other race has no need of entering the Menos Forest for anything.

How to Get Out[]

There are a total of two ways to get out of the Menos Forest at this current moment:

  1. Being a Hollow or an Arrancar - Despite the differences between the two forms of Garganta they have, Hollows and Arrancars can still use their Garganta to get out of the Menos Forest into Hueco Mundo. If a human enters the Menos Forest, then they can get out by getting killed and ripping out the chain in their chest to become a Hollow. If a human is in the Menos Forest and is above level 10, their only option is to call a friend to get them out.
  2. Being a Soul Reaper - A Soul Reaper can use their Senkaimon to get out of the Menos Forest into Soul Society.
  3. Being a Quincy - A Quincy can use their Schatten to escape to Wandenreich
  4. Being a Fullbringer - A Fullbringer can use their Cellphone to enter the XCution Headquarters


  • Hueco Oscuro, one of the many bosses in Peroxide, can be found by entering a ruined building and jumping into the hole at the ceneter of said building. He is essential to letting an Arrancar unlock its Segunda Etapa.
    Image of Huecos Oscuras Place

    Hueco Oscuro's Location


  • The Menos Forest is known for how toxic the players dwelling in it are. If one wants to enter, they either should be really skilled at the game or make their trip in the Menos Forest quick. If one meets neither of those two requirements, they should be prepared to get absolutely owned.
  • There is a cave in the Menos Forest where there are a lot of normal and ancient adjuchas
  • there a green guy named Chad who killed 2 menos