The Soul Society is the Soul Reaper's base of operations where you can go on invasions if you have good rep with the soul society.

The soul society
Ben's shack[]
Ben's shack is a location in the soul society where you can buy Spiritvial's, You also have to talk to ben again to return your spiritvial.

Ben's shack
Rukon is a small town on the outskirts of the 13 court guard squads, the town is crawling with rouge shinigami who have obtained shikai they also will attack no matter what faction you are aligned with.

The Rukon
Captain Tojo[]
Captain Tojo is the npc you talk to to go on invasions or to turn in rouge shinigami badges.

Captain Tojo
Soul Society Dojo[]
The Soul society dojo is no different then any other dojo you can train all your stats up to 30 and the membership cost 250$

Soul society dojo
Clothes shop[]
The clothes shop is where you can buy clothes if you are a shinigami, all of the clothes cost 500$

Clothes shop