Peroxide roblox Wiki

"A combination of Covid-19 and Tokyo Ghoul that nobody wanted"


Vermin is one of the Rare Schrifts that Quincy can roll in Peroxide.

While in Vollständig, gain a custom counter and guardbreak, along with healing on grip.

Vermin Skills[]

Schrift Skills[]

You must be in your Schrift to use these skills.

Media Skill Name Description Scaling
Black pestilence Black Pestilence Summon forth a swarm of bugs that chase the nearest enemy you're facing. Has Invincibility Frames. Strength
Hornet Drill Hornet Drill Leap into air and fire three hornet stingers downward following with a soft stomp. Guardbreaks and can be Perfect Blocked Strength
Hook shot Hook Shot Create a black hook from your palm and fire it toward, pulls enemies towards you. Strength

Vollständig Skills[]

You must be in your Vollständig to use this skill.

Media Skill Name Description Scaling
Plaguebringer Plaguebringer Lunge forward and impale an enemy in your way. Impaled enemy is inflicted with a fast-spreading plague that lingers on enemies who stand near anyone who holds the plague. Strength
M2 vermin Eradicate


Leap into the air before slamming down on the opponent below Strength
Vermin counter Carve (m2 counter) Grab your victim by there leg with your extra arm as you Crave into their body with your other Strength